
I just wanted to personally thank you for being so kind as to spread your message - free of charge - over the Internet. I have been in chronic pain for 30 years, and then after MANY chiropractic treatments (sometimes twice a week for more than a year), more or less the pain subsided. However, it periodically comes back in full force, as it did a few days ago. I was in such agony, I just thought "I don't know what to do any more" and I got up in the middle of the night and typed into Google "eradicate all pain". There popped up your site. So yesterday, I tried it when the pain was pretty intense. Afterwards, for a few hours, I wasn't at all convinced that it had done anything, because the pain seemed, temporarily, even more intense.

But then, it subsided, and I had the first good night of sleep in days, and feel again, pain free, today.

What a blessing your website was and what a sweet deed you have done for those of us who have been smitten with sometimes unendurable pain.

Thanks again,
