I have a wonderful gift for you! I have developed a method to completely eliminate pain from your body.

And the best part? YOU can DO IT YOURSELF! To further tempt you to try this method for yourself, I'll sweeten the pot: I am going to explain the procedure in very simple language. You WILL understand; you CAN do this; you CAN have relief from pain!

I am sorry if this introduction seems a little like I am selling, but the truth is.....

I am a salesman in my day job.

I AM NOT A DOCTOR or any type of medical practitioner. I am a regular person with everyday aches and pains and no medical trainingÉa person just like you.

Several years ago I had what one might call a bum shoulder. My left shoulder constantly ached. After a massage or chiropractic treatment, I'd experience a couple of hours of temporary relief Éonly to have the pain begin again. In an attempt to resolve the ache, I poked and prodded at my shoulder until it sometimes bruised. I exercised; I performed special stretches, which I will describe later. And those helpedÉ but my shoulder still ached.

In the course of trying to rid myself of this persistent pain I read just about everything I could find on pain relief, trigger points, nerve endings etc. I read books and articles and I searched all over the Internet. I experimented on myself with all kinds of self-help methods. My research and commitment paid off: I developed a do-it-yourself method of eliminating pain in the body that uses a light amount of pressure, called Vitalization, combined with gentle, natural body movements called Vitalforce Body MovementsÉAND IT WORKS!

I called it "Pressure Practic," and I began using it to clear my shoulder of the pain. After a few sessions of Pressure Practic, my shoulder seemed better. After a few weeks of Pressure Practic, my shoulder stopped hurting!

I am just like you: I do not like pain. In the process of learning to eliminate my own shoulder pain, I developed this very simple technique which I would like to share with you. You can empower yourself, take charge, and eliminate the pain in your body. I can teach you how to do it for yourself. Pressure Practic is easyÉ and it works!

I call the technique Pressure Practic because while you apply gentle Pressure to your "hotspot," you also perform gentle, natural body movements, Vitalforce Body Movements The method is Practical because You control every aspect of it. You eliminate the hotspot and You eliminate the pain. It's that simple!

As you become more and more pain&endash;free, your life will improve dramatically. You can truly lead the good life, pain-free. The simple, effective and accessible discovery of Pressure Practic can transform your life.

Once I eliminated the pain in my shoulder, I developed a process of "following the pain" that has eliminated pain in other parts of my body. Today, thanks to Pressure Practic I am generally 100 % pain free.

Having freed my own body of pain, I wanted to help other people. A doctor diagnosed my wife, Vicki, with de Quervain's Tenosynovitis, an inflammation of the tendon in her wrist causing weakness and a constant ache.

First the specialist prescribed a special brace. Though the brace offered relief while being worn, Vicki's wrist did not heal. After a cortisone injection did not improve the ache, the doctor suggested surgery to cut the tendon to give her relief.

Having had a lot of success with my own pain elimination, I asked her if I could try to work on her arm. Shortly, her wrist was less painful, and within a few days did not ache at all. Her wrist has required two touch&endash;up treatments, but remains pain-free. No surgery required!

One morning I was at the coffee shop getting Vicki her latte when the barista, John, complained about how much his shoulder hurt. He had been involved in a minor collision the day before. His shoulder had limited movement and it was painful to use. In a few minutes I demonstrated Pressure Practic and showed him how to find the center of the pain and how to release it. I don't know why I thought he would listen to me, but I wanted to help. And Pressure Practic had worked big-time for me.

I hoped I had helped him, but did not see him for several days. The next time I saw him he told me that he had his girlfriend use my method to release his shoulder pain. He said it took her three treatments, 8 seconds each to give him relief. His arm and shoulder seemed fine. He said the pain was gone.

Pressure Practic will make you more aware of the ever-present flow of energy throughout your body as you remove your pain. Eliminating your pain will help to "clear" the energy blockages in your body. As a by-product of the clearing process, you may experience other beneficial effects. The gentle, natural movements of Pressure Practic often provide me with a release at some point remotely located from the specific area of pain commanding my attention. After all, every circuit has two ends.

These energy blockages are electrically connected to other parts of your body. When you begin at the center of the pain, not only do you eliminate the pain where you are working but also you clear the negative energy from the entire circuit.

This effect is not to be confused with a chiropractic adjustment where a doctor manipulates the skeleton and effects a release elsewhere in your body. You are not trying to adjust your skeleton, but it can naturally happen as a result of Pressure Practic.

I often feel a "click" or "pop" at different points in my body during Pressure Practic sessions. These shifts never hurt; on the contrary, they always provide me an appreciable sense of relaxing relief. When I clear myself I frequently experience what feels like an adjustment of my spine. This motion is not painful; in fact, sometimes after clearing a major hotspot I feel as if I had just have a relaxing massage.

From time to time, I have become aware of other sensations as a result of Pressure Practic, such as a mild tingling down my left arm (the same shoulder I was clearing) and a pleasant energy surging from my tailbone to my head.

By following the Rules, I have never experienced a negative side effect.

Anyone can use Pressure Practic with similar results. You CAN eliminate pain in your body. All I ask is that you keep an open mind. You have only your pain to lose. You will feel the actual results immediately. Whether you want to eliminate a nagging ache or completely release the pain in your body, you will find Pressure Practic to be helpful.

By sharing this gift of pain-free good health with you, I add to my own well-being and enrich my personal quest for good health, peace and prosperity. We create our own reality, and one way of creating a world of prosperity and pain-free good health is to share one's good fortunes and good health with others.

You can do it! Please enjoy my gift and pass it on.

Bob Colker